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Cairns Dog Grooming

How long will it take to groom my dog ?

This will depend on your dog’s coat and the type of groom requested. A grooming appointment can take between 2 - 5 hours per dog. Your dog will have regular toilet breaks while being pampered & relaxed during their stay at Pooch Perfect Grooming Salon.

How long between grooms for my dog ?

When you should have your dog groomed depends on how often you brush your dog’s coat, where they play, if they go to the beach, etc., generally we recommend
4-6 weeks, if you want to keep long coats
6-8 weeks, if you want to keep short coats
You can also alternate between a full groom and a tidy up to maintain the coat.

What is a coat strip out or a De-Shed ?

Double Coated dogs need to have their coats stripped out on a regular basis to remove the excess hair from their coats for comfort.

For Example – Pomeranians, Siberian Husky’s, Australian Shepard’s, Golden Retriever, Border Collie, Malamutes …. Just to name a few.


Coat Strip Out costs $10 per 10 mins

The time it takes will depend on the breed, coat type and how often the dog has been groomed. We only charge for the actual time it takes to strip out your dog’s excess coat.

Do you express Anal Glands ?

Here at Pooch Perfect Groomer we DO NOT express anal glands and would recommend that if your pooch has any of the symptoms below that it’s best to take them to your vet to get the anal glands expressed.

In some circumstances they may need antibiotics as ruptures in the glands can occur.

Symptoms can be –

  • Dragging their bottom across the floor

  • A fishy smell or a foul odour coming from your pet.

  • Excessive licking or biting of their bottom.

  • Discomfort while walking or sitting,

  • Straining to defecate

  • Redness, bleeding and swelling near and around their anus.

What is the difference between a Full Groom and a Tidy Up ?

A Full Groom is for dogs that have a coat that needs to be clipped with grooming clippers.

A Tidy Up is suited to all other dogs that do not need clipping.

We tidy them up by scissoring all the untidy bits around their faces, ears & legs. It can also be used as a maintenance groom

Can I see where my Pooch is being groomed ?

You are more than welcome to come and see where your much-loved pooch will be groomed, including the equipment and professional salon grooming products that will be used on them during their grooming treatments.


Please call and arrange a time with Leigh.

Why does my dog's coat get matted ? How can this affect my dog ?

The matting of a dogs coat can be caused by:

  • The coat not being brushed on a regular basis

  • Lack of professional grooming

  • Grass seeds

  • Skin Allergies

  • Dog harnesses, collars, doggie jackets and clothes


Matting can affect your dog’s health as they can become depressed by their inability to move freely when there are matts and knots under their arms and legs.


When a dogs coat is matted they can become upset when you try to brush them as it pinches their skin causing them a lot of pain. We are careful when removing matts and knots but they can be really close to the skin. If cuts or nicks do happen we treat them with Betadine and ask that you apply antiseptic cream to the area when you get home. 

If my dog's coat is matted, will I get charged extra ?

Matted or knotted coats add time to the dog's groom as more time and care has to be taken to make sure that the knots and matts are removed without hurting the dog. 

Badly matted dogs can also be susceptible to clipper cuts and nicks. No matter how careful we are, if the Matts are close to the skin this may occur.

If you like your dog to have a nice fluffy coat, please keep it brushed as when its matted by duty of care to the animal I will not continue to try and get the Matts out by hand and causing the dog pain.

If there are too many Matts, the dogs coat will be clipped short to remove them.
Removal of Matts and Knots costs $10 per 10 minutes. 
You will only be charged for the actual time I spend doing this.

Why does my dog get clipper Rash ?

If your dog shows signs of clipper rash…. don’t stress. 

Quite often when dogs are not groomed on a regular basis i.e. 6-8 weeks the skin is not used to being shaved and can show signs of sensitivity. White and Apricot breeds tend to be more sensitive, but it can happen to every dog.

The baby product called Curash Nappy Rash Cream works wonders with the equivalent of what we call “doggy bikini rash”.


This can also happen around the eyes with dogs who weep a lot, when there is evidence of excess moisture and the hair is taken away when grooming it can be left looking angry and red.

Why is my dog so tired after grooming, has my pet been sedated ?

Most pets spend their day playing, sleeping, or just lazing around the house.

Spending the day at the groomers is a big day out for your dog with lots of mental and physical stimulation.

Having a bath with a soapy massage, being blow-dried, having their nails clipped, ears cleaned and plucked, having to stand still, being in a different environment, playing with the groomer, and soaking up all the attention, is enough to make any pooch tired.

Cairns Dog Grooming
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